Friday, August 10, 2007

The Final Photos (Part V)

Fittingly, the final photos I'll post on this blog are a couple sunset shots. The first was during a late-night walk around Limerick; the second was from the King Family Farm. Keep in mind that, given Ireland's latitude, and since it's summer, the sun didn't set until about 11:00 p.m.

Thursday, August 9, 2007

Photos, Part IV

Shot of one of the channels of the Lee River, which runs through Cork.

The coolest Cathedral we saw in Ireland--not the oldest, but the most interesting in style.

Another shot from Killaloe.

Some boats on Lough Derr in Killaloe.

Wednesday, August 8, 2007

More Photos, Part III

Shots from the universities I saw. The top two are from UL in Limerick, and the last is from Trinity College in Dublin.

Tuesday, August 7, 2007

Photos, Part II

A close-up of the rocks from the glacially-formed Burren area south of Galway.

More rocks.

A shot from the cliffs back toward the island.

The cliffs from another angle.

A ring fort, one of some 4000 (if I remember) scattered across Ireland.

Monday, August 6, 2007

More Photos, Part I

A collection of photos from the trip. More will be on the way soon.

A shot of the 1000-year-old Christchurch Cathedral in Dublin.

A statue, in Dublin, not far from where Ireland declared independence in 1916.

The tomb of the famous Norman knight Strongbow, whose gave his name to the delicious cider.

St. Mary's in Limerick, also about 1000 years old, featured some beautiful stained glass windows.