Sunday, July 1, 2007


Well, I arrived safe and sound, on a long 5 1/2 hour flight with only the totally age inappropriate film "Wild Hogs" to comfort me. Correct that—I did have readings on Wills & Trusts and the First Amendment, which were interesting enough, if lengthy. We are still yet to receive our first assignment in European Commercial Law, which apparently we'll get after dinner and drinks tonight at a pub on the Limerick Campus.

Richard and I arrived about 6:00 a.m. Ireland time, and by the time we waited in line behind a few drunk businessmen and fought the crowds around the baggage "reclaim" (notice the difference) and rode the taxi in—during which time the cabbie discussed his love for John Wayne and cowboys—it was nearly 7:30. We woke the Limerick student housing rep to get us into our rooms.

After settling in, we headed toward the city, stopping at a few shops—all closed—until eventually stopping at St. John's Cathedral, an amazing Gothic church. We proceeded to a convenience shop/cafe for some breakfast food, and sat outside talking with two still-drunk, stereotypical Irish chaps. Quite nice, they told us about Limerick and even referenced "The Sopranos" and "South Park." Small world, apparently.

Richard and I then returned to the cathedral, it now being about 10:15 a.m., to attend mass. It was, without a doubt, the fastest mass I've ever been to: yes, I timed it. Thirty-two minutes. By ten minutes in we had already heard the homily. No singing, no pomp, no circumstance, but a beautiful church. Perhaps the most striking feature was a painted life-sized crucifix with Mary and (I believe) the apostle John flanking Jesus on either side, which hung between what would be the cross of the beams in the typical Gothic shape.

Well, I may take a nap before dinner tonight; I'm quite tired, having now been up about 22 hours straight.

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