Monday, July 2, 2007

First Day of Class

I had to wake up early today, about 7:30 Ireland time (that's 1:30 in the morning central Lincoln time), because class started. We have three classes, which meet with 20 minutes breaks in this order: Comparative American/European Freedom of Expression; Comparative Wills & Trusts; and European Commercial law. The first two are, respectively, taught by a Kansas and Nebraska law professors; the third is taught by an Irish law professor. Ireland's lawyers, apparently, do not receive what we would consider a broad-based undergraduate degree before law school—they just go there directly from high school.

After class I purchased groceries, and then walked into town and ate some fish and chips—extremely greasy—at a mom & pop operation in downtown Limerick, almost within view of the Shannon River.

Some interesting things I've noticed thus far: buildings are "To Let" instead of "For Lease," one needs to remember to look left first before crossing the street, and because of the latitude it stays light from about 6 a.m. to 11 p.m. Right now, almost 10:00 p.m., it's still light.

Oh yeah, and it rains: straight down, for short intervals, a cool rain from large thick clouds extending the entire dome of the sky.

Given the weather, I'm going to start a running count—number of times I've seen the sun: 1.

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